Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Video by @ATVN: Immigration Activists Protest Parental Deportation « Detention Watch Network: Monitoring & Challenging Immigration Detention, Immigration Enforcement & Deportation

Video by @ATVN: Immigration Activists Protest Parental Deportation « Detention Watch Network: Monitoring & Challenging Immigration Detention, Immigration Enforcement & Deportation

Video by @ATVN: Immigration Activists Protest Parental Deportation

NOVEMBER 15, 2011
by Will Coley

Text excerpt by By Julia Deng and video embedded from Annenberg TV News:

Dozens protesters gathered during a Women’s Coalition Conference in Downtown L.A. Monday to help bring attention to what they call is the government’s “immorality” when it comes to deporting parents.

“We call on President Obama, ICE and the Republicans to implement changes immediately and end these inhumane and immoral immigration laws,” stated a press release issued by the Woman Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. Read more here.

Prosecutorial Discretion Survey Demonstrates Need for More Training, Consistency Across ICE Field Offices » Immigration Impact

Prosecutorial Discretion Survey Demonstrates Need for More Training, Consistency Across ICE Field Offices » Immigration Impact

It’s been almost six months since ICE Director John Morton issued new guidelines on prosecutorial discretion to help ICE agents, attorneys and other officials distinguish between high priority cases (national security threats and serious criminals) and low priority cases (DREAM Act students). A recent surveyreleased by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and the American Immigration Council takes a look at how well those guidelines are translating into actual practice at ICE offices around the country. While the results show that prosecutorial discretion was applied in some cases, the majority of cases show that ICE field offices are confused and hesitant to make decisions, demonstrating the need for more guidance and training from DHS headquarters.

The survey tracks the attitudes and responses to 252 cases from across the country in which immigration attorneys requested the use of prosecutorial discretion. Although attorneys sought different outcomes—some sought the termination of a case, others deferral of removal or the close of a case in immigration court—it appears that similar cases received different treatment in different parts of the country. In some cases, requests which seemed to squarely fit within the guidance were denied summarily.

Granted, the use of discretion is fundamentally a judgment call, so disagreements about whether a particular case was properly decided are legitimate. But the point of this survey is not to suggest that all denials were incorrect, rather, to determine whether local ICE offices have the tools, guidance and training they need from DHS headquarters to make consistent decisions. It is clear that at the time the survey was conducted, they did not.

ICE, however, has acknowledged the need for more training. John Morton has been taking his show on the road, pressing for responsible decision-making. Likewise, Secretary Napolitano has argued that prosecutorial discretion is a critical law enforcement tool that moves immigration officer away from viewing all undocumented immigrants in the same light.

The ICE training is a good sign and continuing to track the results of that training is essential to making it work. But if DHS truly wants to maintain the momentum and value of its policy decisions, it must continue to provide guidance and training throughout the department. Both USCIS and CBP officials, as well as ICE agents, need to be held accountable and to understand the new expectations. The proposed review of all immigration cases currently pending before the immigration judges must begin to show some results as well.

In short, at the six month mark, it may be understandable that there is still some confusion about how to execute the policy. But by next year, people will be even less willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt without more evidence that Washington policy has translated into field action.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Residents to officials, prison executives: Take your immigration detention center elsewhere | Florida Independent

Residents to officials, prison executives: Take your immigration detention center elsewhere | Florida Independent

Residents to officials, prison executives: Take your immigration detention center elsewhere

By | 11.07.11 | 11:11 am

About 250 southwest Broward residents attended a Saturday meeting in the city of Pembroke Pines to tell local and federal officials, as well as prison industry executives, that they don’t want an immigration detention center built in their area.

Worried about security, property values and traffic control, residents booed and interrupted Jeff Nelson, mayor of the town of Southwest Ranches, when he offered details about the detention facility and the lot where it would be built.

Residents of Pembroke Pines and the town of Southwest Ranches have voiced opposition to the federally funded and privately managed detention center since Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced it had chosen the Southwest Ranches/Corrections Corporation of America proposal in June. Citizens have even called for the resignation of Mayor Nelson.

Nelson said Saturday that the detention center had been publicly discussed but residents yelled that was not true. Former Attorney General Bob Butterworth, who facilitated the meeting, called for residents to let the mayor finish his presentation.

Nelson added that the project will add 1,000 temporary jobs and about 250 permanent jobs for area residents.

Gary Mead — executive associate director of enforcement and removal operations for ICE — told residents they had decided a little over a year ago that “we could have another dedicated facility in Florida.”

Mead said they selected the Southwest Ranches/CCA proposal and are now “moving that forward” and working on the final details of the facility, which would hold about 1,400 detainees. He added that the facility was well located for ICE field offices, immigration judges and the transportation of detainees.

Residents once again rejected the proposal, shouting that its location was not good for their homes, children and schools.

Tony L. Grande, executive vice president and chief development officer for CCA, told residents, “We’ve been looking forward to this opportunity to share information and dispel misinformation.”

When Grande concluded by saying that “this has been the result of many many years of deliberation, ” a resident yelled, “This discussion should have happened before a decision was made!”

Pembroke Pines residents have argued they were kept out of specific agreements between Southwest Ranches officials and their city, and have demanded those agreements be rescinded. During the meeting, they insisted that the Southwest Ranches mayor does not represent them.

Pembroke Pines signed an agreement in June to supply fire, rescue, water and sewage services to the immigration detention center, set to be built on land owned by CCA and surrounded by Pembroke Pines and unincorporated Broward County.

Pembroke Pines Vice Mayor Iris Siple said at the Saturday meeting she will ask the city commission to cancel this agreement.

Lucibeth Mayberry, vice president and deputy chief development officer for CCA, told residents her company complied with ICE’s requirements, and were selected for this detention center, but “until Wednesday or Thursday of this week we didn’t have the details we are here to share today.”

Mayberry also clarified that CCA will pay $1.5 million in property taxes to Southwest Ranches, and that once they build the detention center they will not have an agricultural tax exemption. “Facilities of this type do not affect property [values],” she added.

Steven Conry, vice president of facility operations for CCA, said his company works with the community, law enforcement and first responders. He added they have performed studies and are ready for traffic control, adding that their experience shows that CCA detention facilities do not have an impact on emergency medical services.

ICE’s Mead said their facilities have full medical services that operate around the clock.

“This is what happens when you don’t go to the people first,” said Pembroke Pines Mayor Frank Ortis, explaining the vocal opposition to the new detention center while admitting that the facility is a “Southwest Ranches issue.” Residents cheered and rose to their feet. “If this becomes a reality we will become a jail town,” Ortis said.

CCA executives Tony Grande, Lucibeth Mayberry, Steven Conry

Left to Right: Jeff Nelson, Southwest Ranches Mayor; Gary Mead, ICE; Tony L. Grande, CCA

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Who Benefits When A Private Prison Comes To Town? : NPR

Who Benefits When A Private Prison Comes To Town? : NPR

Who Benefits When A Private Prison Comes To Town?

The entrance to the Two Rivers Regional Detention Facility in Hardin, Mont. The 464-bed detention facility was built with the promise of bringing jobs and stimulating the economy, but it has sat empty since it was completed in 2007.
EnlargeMatthew Brown/AP

The entrance to the Two Rivers Regional Detention Facility in Hardin, Mont. The 464-bed detention facility was built with the promise of bringing jobs and stimulating the economy, but it has sat empty since it was completed in 2007.

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November 5, 2011

Federal and state officials are increasingly contracting private companies to run prisons and immigration detention centers.

Critics have long questioned the quality of private prisons and the promises of economic benefits where they are built. But proponents say private prisons not only save taxpayers money, but they also generate income for the surrounding community.

In 2004, officials in Hardin, Mont., agreed to a deal for a private prison to be built in town. The idea was that the county would pay for the prison and the state or federal government would fill it. Hardin would get tax revenues, new jobs and economic benefits while a private prison company would run the place and get a cut of the profits.

The Two Rivers Regional Detention Facility, a 464-bed $27 million private prison, was completed in 2007. Since then, the facility has remained empty and unused because the builder never landed a contract with the state or federal government for inmates.

In 2009, the facility made national news when, in an attempt to recoup the money it had spent on the facility, the town offered to do something almost no other town in America was willing to do — house prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.

That didn't happen, but it's a testament to how desperate Hardin is to fill the prison, get it up and running, and create jobs for the town.

Another Town, A Different Prison

About 1,500 miles south of Hardin in Karnes County, Texas, you find a very different story.

Last year, the county agreed to let a private prison company build a new 600-bed immigrant detention center there. It wasn't a tough vote because the company, GEO Group, already had one facility in Karnes County it built in 1998.

"They have been tremendous corporate partners with the county and the people here in Karnes County," former Karnes County Judge Alger Kendall says.

Each year, Kendall says, GEO Group gives the county $4,000 for school scholarships and $6,000 for maintenance and upkeep of the city's courthouse.

GEO Group also gives money to the local Rotary Club, Toys for Tots, the Little League, Relay for Life and other local organizations and events, he says. And the people who work at the facility also help feed the local economy.

"I mean, that employment translates into other money being spent in the county," he says.

When the detention center is complete, Karnes County is banking on 140 new jobs and $150,000 in tax revenue.

The Economics Of Private Prisons

Increase In Private Prison Populations

This graphic shows the increase in prisoners in private facilities from 1990 to 2009.

David Shapiro says that promise of jobs and tax revenue is eerily similar to what some officials in Hardin said back in 2004.

Shapiro, a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union National Prison Project, is the author of a new ACLU report that's critical of the private prison industry.

Shapiro says it's possible a town could reap some small economic benefits from a private prison, but it may not bring the larger economic boost the county is hoping for.

"That's what the empirical evidence has shown ... and there are various theories for why that may be the case," Shapiro tells weekends on All Things Considered guest host Laura Sullivan.

The presence of a prison might actually squeeze out other businesses that could bring greater benefits than the prison itself, he says. Also, many of the jobs created by a private prison don't actually go to people in the community.

The bigger problem, he says, is that state and federal taxpayers — who in the end are paying for these prisons — aren't getting the most value for their money.

To cite just one example, he says, last year the Arizona auditor general found that it actually might be more expensive to hold Arizona prisoners in private, for-profit facilities than in public ones.

Top Private Prison Companies

1. Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)
2010 revenue: $1.7 billion
Prisoner capacity: 90,037
Year founded: 1983
Headquarters: Nashville, Tenn.
Head: Damon Hininger (president and CEO)
Executive compensation: $3,266,387 compensation package for Hininger in 2010 (according to Morningstar)

2. The GEO Group
2010 revenue: $1.2 billion
Prisoner capacity: 81,000
Year founded: 1984 (founded as Wackenhut Corrections Corp.)
Headquarters: Boca Raton, Fla. Head: George Zoley (chairman, CEO, founder)
Executive compensation: $3,484,807 compensation package for Zoley in 2010 (according to Morningstar)

Sources: CCA: 2010 Annual Letter to Shareholders; A Quarter Century of Service to America; About CCA; Morningstar, Corrections Corporation of America, Key Executive Compensation. GEO Group: 2010 Annual Report; 2010 Letter to Shareholders; Morningstar, The GEO Group, Inc., Key Executive Compensation.

Despite these findings, the state has plans to award contracts for 5,000 more private prison beds.

The safety and security of private prisons is another concern. Shapiro says some studies have found that the level of violence is actually higher in private prisons.

"Private prisons have incentives to make money [and] to cut costs," he says. "One of the ways they do that is by slashing pay for staff, which leads to much higher rates of turnover."

That high rate of turnover and guards who lack the experience to properly respond to situations like escape attempts is dangerous, Shapiro says.

The savings from those cost cuts do not get passed on to the state, he says.

Shapiro's report criticizes both GEO Group and the Corrections Corporation of America, the two biggest private prison corporations in the country.

GEO Group declined to comment, but the Corrections Corporation of America said in a statement from spokesman Steve Owen that the report "does not enter the realm of credible discussion."

In the statement, he called the report "an exceedingly thin, old mix of dated news, willful bias and unfounded opinion. It's being advanced by a familiar cast of industry critics and is blind to our industry's many benefits."

The Prison Business

Despite the criticism private prisons face, as an industry they do very well. They make money, a little for some of the towns where they're built and a lot for shareholders and investors.

"This is an investment that we talk with investors about on a regular basis as a good idea," investment analyst Tobey Sommer tells Sullivan.

Sommer, director of equity research at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey in Tennessee, says both CCA and Geo Group made more than $1 billion each last year and their CEOs took home multimillion-dollar bonuses.

The recession could actually make them more money, Sommer says. With budgets stretched thin, states might look to private prisons to house and secure even more inmates. Only 10 percent of all inmates in the U.S. are housed in private prisons, he says, so that other 90 percent could be seen as an opportunity for growth.

But not everyone sees opportunities for long-term growth.

"Crime rates are declining, the prison population is declining, and many states, in large part motivated by the economic downturn, are realizing that they can't keep building their way out of the problem," says Michele Deitch, who teaches criminal justice at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas.

Deitch says the new growth market for prison companies is immigrant detention, like the facility in Karnes County. New prisons, possibly for state inmates, like the one in Hardin, Mont., are on the decline.

The continuing flow of prisoners from the state isn't what it used to be, Deitch says, because of new treatment models and other alternatives to prison.

But Sommer says, while an empty prison just off Main Street could be a problem for Hardin or any other town, it's not a problem for the private prison industry, especially for companies hoping to fill those beds with immigration detainees.

"That enables kind of last-minute purchasing by their customers," he says, "so as a need arises, from a state or federal customer, Corrections Corporation can say 'I've got a facility with 1,000 beds available for you.'"

And right now, it has one ready. It just has to turn the lights on.