Friday, February 11, 2011

Murder Trial in Tucson Shows Rift in Minuteman Border Movement -

Murder Trial in Tucson Shows Rift in Minuteman Border Movement -

1 comment:

  1. "In the weeks since Tucson buried Christina-Taylor Green, the 9-year-old victim of the shooting rampage outside a Safeway supermarket, a trial under way in the county courthouse here has struggled to account for the earlier murder of yet another child of the same age.

    Brisenia Flores, along with her father, Raul Flores, 29, were murdered in 2009 when robbers broke into the family’s home in Arivaca, a tiny, remote town just north of the border. The person accused of being the ringleader of the robbery crew, Shawna Forde, a 43-year-old ex-beautician who traveled in the Minuteman movement, had hoped to rob enough people in Arivaca to finance a paramilitary organization that would seal off the border to immigrants, prosecutors and witnesses said.

    “She did mention she was gonna change America,” Ron Wedow, an acquaintance and a Colorado Minuteman who testified last week, said in court papers. “And raise, raise this to a whole different level, is what she said.”
